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Image Courtesy A Terrible Pun |
Another week, and more
MCU news! More information about Captain America: Civil War and Ant-Man, Marvel after Secret Wars, and more. Put some ketchup
on your eggs, and catch-up (*ducks*) on your Marvel news!
Mostly MCU Reviews
My articles from
the week
Do you think that the
MCU needs young heroes like DC’s in-development Titans series? I do. Who would you want as part of it?
Here is my review of Daredevil season 1, episode 8, “Shadows in the Glass.” What do you think of this episode?
Did you know that Agents
of S.H.I.E.L.D. has been giving us origin stories all along? Here are my thoughts on AoS and origin
stories (Part 1
and Part 2).
Retro-Reviews: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 1,
episode 3, “The Asset”
and episode 4 “Eye Spy.” What do you think of these two episodes 2
seasons later?
El Mayimbe gave a
number of insights for Marvel’s TV future, including the Inhumans on AoS
and in the upcoming movie. Here
are my thoughts on the subject. Do you
agree with me, or am I off base?
MCU News
Links to news
articles and blog posts about the MCU
So Avengers: Age of Ultron has passed Iron Man 3 and Frozen in the worldwide box office. How much more do you think it’s going to
Courtesy Brian MichaelBendis comes this tweet
with the first poster for A.K.A. Jessica Jones.
I like this poster,
especially how it fits into the same pattern as the Daredevil character
posters. The worst thing about the poster is that there isn’t a premiere date! Are you excited for the second Marvel Netflix
Did you follow Hayley Atwell’s exploits on the set of Captain America: Civil War? I wish I could get that kind of
behind-the-scenes access!
There’s a new Ant-Man TV spot out. Or I should say there’s another look at some
of the same footage from the second trailer.
the extended version. Do you think they
should release a million TV spots like Age of Ultron did, or are you
fine with Ant-Man holding a lot back?
Iron Man is in the house to start filming for Civil War! Whose side are you on?
At least one important
actor has finished his Captain America: Civil War filming. Yes, Stan Lee has filmed his cameo! What do you think Stan’s going to be doing in
Civil War?
In exciting (but
somewhat unsurprising) news, Lincoln has been upgraded to a series regular for Agents
of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 3. How do you think he will fit in? My guess is that he is Skye’s first recruit
for her Secret (Warriors) Team. However,
suggests that he could work with Skye as a Transitioner to help the new
Inhumans transformed by fish oil. I
don’t think those two options are mutually exclusive. Either way, I can’t wait to see how they use
As a follow-up, Mack has also been upgraded to series regular for next season. Are you excited to see more of Mack?
It shouldn’t be overly
surprising that Marvel is rumored to be putting some Spider-Man Easter eggs into Ant-Man. It was pretty late in the game for Ant-Man
when the deal was struck, but it is still possible for them to reference
Spider-Man or OsCorp on a couple of occasions.
The rumor is that OsCorp may be one of the companies Darren Cross is
trying to sell Pym Particle technology to.
As long as things are organic and smooth, I’m looking forward to seeing
how they start working Spider-Man in!
Maybe next up they will have a couple strands of webbing hanging from a
building in A.K.A. Jessica Jones!
A director shortlist
was released this week for the new Spider-Man reboot. Any names catch your eye?
Huh. Hayley Atwell is a KC Royals fan. Who knew?
And before you accuse me of anything, I’m not surprised that she’s a
baseball fan, but that she’s a Royals fan. Did you know her dad’s from KCMO?
The first script draft for Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is officially done. And it brought tears to Chris Pratt’s eyes. Of course, they’re going to demand a
gazillion changes… As of now, there are
less characters, and only one new character.
Age of Ultron
has crossed $900 million internationally, putting it at $1.3 billion total. Wow.
What do you think Marvel and Disney are doing with the money? Taking a Scrooge McDuck money bath?
So no one has talked
to Chris Pratt about the Guardians and Avengers teaming up. Or at least according to Christ Pratt they
haven’t. Do you think the 2 teams will
cross paths one of these years?
Rumor has it that
Martin Freeman’s role has been revealed. Do you think this rumor is true?
Samuel L. Jackson is
looking to re-up his Marvel contract,
but he’s not in Captain America: Civil War. Where do you think he’ll show up next?
The Winter Soldier now has a beard. Is this going to be his version of Ward’s
“evil antihero scruff” from season 2?
Here’s a promo picture for Crossbones. What do you think?
Jason Statham for Bullseye? No, apparently.
News from Around
Anything not
related to the MCU that I find interesting
So The Last
Airbender (M. Night Shyamalan’s adaptation of Nickelodeon’s Avatar: The
Last Airbender) still has one defender:
Shyamalan himself. And according to him there are kids out there
who have seen the movie 74 or more times!
Were you a fan of the TV series?
What did you think of that movie?
How sorry do you feel for the parents who’ve had to endure 74 viewings
of The Last Airbender?
Batman’s role in Suicide
Squad, possibly revealed. Only look if you want to know. Excited for the movie?
The second Star
Wars Anthology film is reported to be about Han Solo and Boba Fett’s rivalry. First Captain America vs. Iron Man—I
mean, Captain America: Civil War—then Batman vs. Superman, and
now Han Solo vs. Boba Fett… is Hollywood on a “vs.” kick lately? What “vs.” movie do you want to see next?
There is a rumor going
around that Lucasfilm is thinking about making an Obi-Wan Kenobi-led Star Wars Anthology movie. What do you think?
Here is a new magazine cover of the new Fantastic Four. Are you excited for the reboot?
New Batman v.
Superman rumors, this time the weapon that Batman is going to use against Superman. Thoughts?
Here’s an interesting
interview with the President of WB about the differences between Marvel movies and DC movies. I really didn’t see anything in his statement
that sounded different from what Marvel does, so what’s the difference in
In somewhat
unsurprising news, Marvel announced that they are going to reboot all their
titles from #1 after Secret Wars. However, check out the picture they used to
make the announcement:
2 Captain Americas, 4
Spider-People, and a Native American hero believed to be Red Wolf. Of the characters presented, there is only 1
who is highly unlikely to appear in the movies in some way, shape, or form any
time soon: Spider-Boy (they’ve got to
figure out some way to distinguish between Pete and Miles, amiright?). Spider-Gwen may not appear, but Gwen Stacy
could. Jane Foster might never pick up
Mjolnir, but she has already made 2 appearances. Of the characters shown, I would love to see
any of them in the movies. But first, I
think I’m going to see about actually reading their comics!
Here’s another image
Marvel released to tease the Marvel Universe after Secret wars.
What do you see in
The Thing may be
joining the Guardians of the Galaxy after Secret Wars. Too bad he can’t join them in the MCU…
And another
post-Secret Wars revelation: X-23 is taking over as Wolverine.
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