Mostly MCU Reviews
My articles from
the week
Yet again, all my
articles this week are reviews. First up
was Agent Carter season 1, episode 6 “A Sin to Err.” What did you think of Peggy’s bad day?
For Agents of
S.H.I.E.L.D. I finished up the half-season with season 2, episode 9 “Ye Who Enter Here,”
and episode 10 “What They Become.” What was your favorite moment from the first
half of season 2?
MCU News
Links to news
articles and blog posts about the MCU
Did you spot this Buffy
the Vampire Slayer Easter Egg
in Avengers: Age of Ultron?
According to Elizabeth
Olsen, Baron Zemo will be the main villain
in Civil War. I’m not overly
surprised. My guess is that he will play
more of the Kingpin/Killian/Hammer role of manipulating events from behind the
scenes while Crossbones provides the muscle.
James Gunn opened up a
bit about Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, among other things clarifying
that there will only be 1 new Guardian in the sequel
and that he reduced the number of characters from the original plan in order to
focus more on fleshing out the characters.
In other words, the sequel is going to try going smaller and more
personal, rather than bigger and flashier.
What do you think of this information?
James Gunn evidently can't use these guys for an unusual reason. Huh. Do you think Marvel did that intentionally?
Turns out that Thor:
Ragnarok will not be filming in Australia, but will instead return to Atlanta. Only one problem: there still isn’t a director. Is that going to come by the end of the
Rebecca Ferguson for
Captain Marvel?
Is this
our first look at the Secret Warriors on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.?
We see Hunter, Mack,
and Daisy, with the latter wearing a new version of the gauntlets which look
like they were pulled straight from the comics.
What do you think?
Jed Whedon and
Maurissa Tancharoen spoke to Entertainment Weekly
about Lash and what to expect out of the Inhumans this season. Among other things, Lash will be even more of
a monster than he is in the comics. They
are also changing his character a bit to keep us on our toes. My guess is that the broad strokes of his
character will remain the same, but some of the details will be different. What do you think of this news?
Krysten Ritter offered
a few teases for Jessica Jones season 1. Among
others, a romance with Luke Cage and a few teases for the Purple Man, including
that they will make a few changes to his character (which is pretty much par
for the course with comic-to-live-action adaptations). Still no news of when it’s coming out, though…
And just like that,
they announced the premiere date for Jessica Jones: November 20!
I have to say, I
really like this trailer/announcement.
It sets the tone extremely well and places it squarely within the same
universe as Daredevil while still highlighting the differences. There really isn’t that much more to say
about this trailer, though you’ll notice that the Alias Investigations window
sign flashing past looks like a comic book cover and that the color purple is
featured prominently. I expect that over
the next two months we will get another trailer or two as well as character
posters for Jessica, Luke, Patsy/Trish Walker, Zebediah Kilgrave, Claire, and
maybe another main character—probably in the same vein as the Daredevil
character posters but with some twists.
For example, if the poster shows Jessica hovering in midair, that would
definitely set this series apart from Daredevil. What do you think of this teaser and
Luke Cage has
another comic book character cast:
Detective Scarfe. In the comics he is an associate of Misty
Knight and serves as the police contact for the Heroes for Hire, so we may see
him either in that role or moving toward that role. How do you think Detective Scarfe will fit
Marvel TV will be at
NYCC in force this
October, with panels for the animated series, ABC series, and Netflix series. What do you want to see there? Which panel are you most excited for?
Are you going to buy
the Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe
when they start coming out in October?
I’m probably going to, so I’ll probably put quick reviews up when they
come out.
News from Around
Anything not
related to the MCU that I find interesting
Marvel Comics
announced a new Red Wolf comic book series. Considering that Red Wolf is Marvel’s first
American Indian superhero, I’m pretty interested, and I’d also like to see him
appear in the MCU some time down the line.
Do you want to see a live-action version of him, and if so when/how?
Marvel will also have
a Patsy Walker/Hellcat series,
just in time for the character to make her cinematic debut in Jessica Jones. Similar question to above: do you want to see her get her own Netflix
series next?
New Wonder Woman
rumors: The first half of the movie will be set
during World War I, followed by a time-jump to the present.
Oh, and Wonder
Woman will begin filming in November. Which are you more excited for: Wonder Woman or Captain Marvel? Deborah Snyder also makes the comment that
they “tried to hire as many female people on the crew as possible.” Huh.
Why would they hire someone based on their lack of a Y-Chromosome rather
than their abilities? I get that there
was a time when women were not offered these kinds of opportunities, but discrimination
in hiring seems counterproductive when you’re trying to combat discrimination
in hiring.
Sean Bean and Eva
Green are both rumored to be appearing as villains
(Ares and Circe, respectively) in the Wonder Woman movie. Anyone else see bad things in store for the
God of War in this movie?
Preacher will
debut in May 2016. Are you excited?
Children of the ‘80s
and ‘90s, unite! Do you remember the Animorphs
books? I do; I read the first 20 or so
and then lost interest. Well, apparently
they are reportedly working on a live-action movie
based on the franchise, with the potential to spawn its own movie
franchise. Are you interested in seeing
some more ‘90s nostalgia on the big-screen?
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