Thursday, August 31, 2017

Marvel's Inhumans IMAX "Movie" EXPECTATIONS

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Marvel’s Inhumans will invade IMAX theaters tomorrow as the first two episodes of the season premiere in theaters before making their broadcast debut at the end of September.  What do we expect from this “movie”?

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The Defenders Season 1, Episode 2, "Mean Right Hook" REVIEW (SPOILERS)

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This review is coming out later in the day because I have been really busy the last week or more with school starting up again.  Hopefully I will get back to my usual schedule next week.  Also, hopefully I will get to see Inhumans and review it this weekend, as well!

The Defenders might be the most fun MCU TV series yet, simply because we are finally seeing what this whole MCU “experiment” can really do.  DC has already been doing this same thing over on the CW with the Arrowverse shows, which (to the best of my knowledge) are doing great things.  But Marvel and Netflix are going beyond that by placing their shows within the universe of the movies, which gives both properties greater depth.

All of that serves as a long way of saying that this second episode of The Defenders is the biggest test case of why it is so important that these shows are all set in the same universe and in the same city:  this is when the universe narrows.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Weekly MCU Review for August 26

Another week, and more MCU news!  Not much to say this week, except that The Defenders came out last Friday, and Inhumans premieres on IMAX this Friday.  Put some ketchup on your eggs, and catch-up on your Marvel news!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The Defenders Season 1, Episode 1, "The H Word" REVIEW (SPOILERS)

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The Defenders brings together four different heroes and their supporting casts into a single miniseries (only 8 episodes) in order to deal with a threat larger than any of them.  The parallels between The Defenders and The Avengers are obvious, and I will try to avoid harping on them during my reviews, but there are at least a few things that need to be said.  First, The Defenders includes two less heroes (depending on whether or not you want to include Colleen and Misty in the team) but close to four times the runtime, allowing for greater character interaction and more buildup as the characters are introduced and allowed to come together naturally.  Second, while The Avengers pulled all of the heroes out of their own series and away from their supporting casts and plopped them all down into an entirely new setting with a new cast of supporting characters, The Defenders merges the settings of all four constituent series together and draws the casts of the four series together, allowing for the supporting characters to interact in interesting ways.

Monday, August 21, 2017


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I just finished watching The Defenders yesterday evening—all 8 episodes of it.  There are a lot of things that need to be said about this series, but since this is a spoiler-free review, most of them have to wait.  For now it’s enough to say that The Defenders offers an excellent conclusion to the first “phase” of the Marvel Netflix shows and offers a few clues of what we should look for when the characters return, starting with The Punisher in November.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Weekly MCU Review for August 19

Another week, and more MCU news!  The Defenders arrived on Netflix yesterday, but I still haven’t seen any of it.  Put some ketchup on your eggs, and catch-up on your Marvel news!

Thursday, August 17, 2017


Marvel and Netflix’s heroes join forces tomorrow as they become The Defenders!  The series will be available some time tomorrow.  What are our expectations?

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance REVIEW

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This isn’t going to be a particularly long review.  Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance isn’t the best or most exciting of movies out there.  It has a lot of interesting characters, and the story is engaging, but there’s also a lot that just doesn’t work.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Weekly MCU Review for August 12

Another week, and more MCU news!  Not much going on right now, but Inhumans hits theaters in about 3 weeks, and The Defenders will be released on Netflix next week.  Put some ketchup on your eggs, and catch-up on your Marvel news!

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Ghost Rider (2007) REVIEW

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So after a couple weeks of vacillating, I’m finally writing my review of the Nicholas Cage Ghost Rider movie from 2007.  I’ve been putting it off for a few weeks, but not because it’s a bad movie—it’s a bad movie, but I’ve been really busy.  As it is I’m still really busy, so this will probably be a very brief review.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Weekly MCU Review for August 5

Another week, and more MCU news!  Not much going on, but theres some more news about Captain Marvel.  Put some ketchup on your eggs, and catch-up on your Marvel news!