This review
is coming out later in the day because I have been really busy the last week or
more with school starting up again. Hopefully
I will get back to my usual schedule next week.
Also, hopefully I will get to see Inhumans and review it this
weekend, as well!
The Defenders might be the most fun MCU TV series yet, simply because we are
finally seeing what this whole MCU “experiment” can really do. DC has already been doing this same thing
over on the CW with the Arrowverse shows, which (to the best of my knowledge)
are doing great things. But Marvel and
Netflix are going beyond that by placing their shows within the universe of the
movies, which gives both properties greater depth.
All of that
serves as a long way of saying that this second episode of The Defenders
is the biggest test case of why it is so important that these shows are all set
in the same universe and in the same city:
this is when the universe narrows.