Saturday, September 23, 2017

Weekly MCU Review for September 23

Another week, and more MCU news!  Pretty light week, but Thor: Ragnarok’s premiere date is approaching, and Inhumans premieres on ABC this Friday.  Put some ketchup on your eggs, and catch-up on your Marvel news!

MCU News

Links to news articles and blog posts about the MCU

Why is everyone giving up on Marvel’s Inhumans when it hasn’t even premiered yet?  I get that the IMAX premiere wasn’t well received (I didn’t even like it on IMAX), but I think anyone who saw it can agree that that was the wrong medium for it.  Personally, I’m going to reserve judgment until next Friday when I can watch Inhumans on my TV.

This new Punisher trailer looks awesome!

So it looks like Marvel Studios decided to go back to one of their earliest movie ideas to make it in the future:  Power Pack.

News from Around Geekdom

Anything not related to the MCU that I find interesting

Are you interested in seeing a Watchmen TV series?

So with Toys ‘R Us filing for bankruptcy, are you going to look for major liquidation sales to do your Christmas shopping and/or fill out your “I promise I don’t really collect toys!” collection?  Because I probably will—I mean, I don’t really collect toys!

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