Mostly MCU Reviews
My articles from
the week
First up, Jessica
Jones season 1, episode 2, “AKA Crush Syndrome”
review. What did you think of Kilgrave’s
Next up Agents of
S.H.I.E.L.D. season 3, episode 9, “Closure” expectations
and review. Can’t wait for the midseason finale!
Speaking of the
midseason finale, there are a lot of loose ends for it to tie up.
MCU News
Links to news
articles and blog posts about the MCU
a deleted scene from Thor: The Dark World in which Loki imagines his
coronation, complete with wielding Mjolnir.
What did you think of
Black Widow’s storyline
in Avengers: Age of Ultron? I
thought it was good, but apparently a lot of people didn’t.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I present for your consideration, courtesy the MCU Phase 2 Box Set,
the Sokovia Accords:
In accordance with the document at hand, I hereby certify that the below mentioned participants, peoples and individuals, shall no longer operate freely or unregulated, but instead operate under the rules, ordinances and governances of the afore mentioned United Nations panel, acting only when and if the panel deems it appropriate and/or necessary.
If there’s an Iron
Man 4, Chris Evans says he would “happy to appear”
in it as Cap. Personally, I think that
a good way to resolve the Civil War would actually be with multiple movies,
starting with Captain America: Civil War, continuing with Spider-Man,
perhaps including Ant-Man and the Wasp and Black Panther to some
extent, and finishing with Iron Man 4.
According to Tom Holland,
Spider-Man will have a secret identity in the MCU, and the movie will be filmed
mostly in Atlanta. I do like the secret
identities aspect; we’ve only seen that with Daredevil so far. Well, and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., sort
Tied to the above,
Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans are reportedly
heading to Atlanta in the near-future.
Speculation holds that they could be going there for the Spider-Man
movie, but it is just as likely that they are going back for Civil War
reshoots. Do you want to see Cap and
Iron Man in Spider-Man.
Unsurprisingly, Marvel
has an option to bring back Stellan Skarsgård for Thor: Ragnarok.
Because the original
script for Thor: Ragnarok was too dark, Marvel brought in Taika Waititi,
a comedy director, to direct it. Now
they have also brought in Stephany Folsom,
a comedy writer, to lighten the mood of the script. Personally, I wouldn’t be upset if Thor:
Ragnarok were the darkest MCU movie to date—it’s based on the death and
rebirth of Asgard, after all—but I doubt it will be nearly as dark as anything
in Marvel Netflix!
Ryan Coogler, director
of Creed, is reportedly
in talks to direct Black Panther.
According to Peyton Reed,
Michael Douglas is “gonna be a huge part” of Ant-Man and the Wasp. What do you want to see in that movie?
Agent Carter is
being held back 2 weeks, debuting January 19
instead of 5, because of the State of the Union address. Does the network actually think we’d prefer
watching Obama over Carter? Or
are they afraid we wouldn’t?
is a new poster for Agent Carter season 2:
Excited for it?
is our first look at Claire Temple, Misty Knight, and Scarfe on Luke Cage. Jessica Jones only came out 2 weeks
ago, and I’m already excited for what comes next for these characters!
Lexi Alexander,
director of Punisher: War Zone, has apparently met with Marvel TV about
a project. However, we do not have any information about
what that project might be, though MCUExchange
suggested Iron Fist.
News from Around
Anything not
related to the MCU that I find interesting
Supergirl has
officially been picked
up for a full 20-episode first season. However,
as of now there are no plans
for a crossover with The Flash; in fact, such a crossover might not even
be legal.
The latest Star
Wars marketing campaign:
limited-edition Light Side and Dark Side ice creams.
So if you’re
interested, here
is George’s defense of “Greedo shot first.”
Carrie Fisher’s
on the “Slave Leia Controversy.”
George Lucas has seen The Force Awakens, and he liked it. Of course considering what else he's liked...
George Lucas has seen The Force Awakens, and he liked it. Of course considering what else he's liked...
Star Wars Rebels
has officially received a third season!
Harrison Ford would be
on-board for another Indiana Jones movie;
would you? I’ve just got 2 words for
you: “ancient aliens.” 2 more:
“not really” (unless they get back to basics and avoid the
aforementioned ancient aliens!).
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