Mostly MCU Reviews
My articles from
the week
The return of “Rumor
Has It…” This time, “Rumor Has It” that
FOX and Marvel are working something out so FOX can produce a live-action X-Men
TV series. Here
are my thoughts of what such a deal might look like. What deal do you want to make?
My Agent Carter
review series continues with episode 2, “Bridge and Tunnel.” What was your favorite part of season 1?
On the subject of
Peggy Carter, do you think she and Steve had sex? Hayley Atwell does; me, I’m not so sure.
This week I started in
on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 2, with episode 1, “Shadows,”
and episode 2, “Heavy Is the Head.” What was your favorite part of the first half
of season 2?
Now that Phase 2 is
done, here is my recap
of it. What do you think of my ideas?
What do you want
Marvel to announce at D23? Here’s
what I’m hoping for.
MCU News
Links to news
articles and blog posts about the MCU
and here
are two articles about the Spidey suit(s) for Captain America: Civil War. Excited to see Spidey join the MCU? Excited that we might see the FF join him in
the MCU before long now that Fant4stic is stinking up the box office?
We also got a few
hints toward Crossbones’ appearance
in Civil War. Are you excited to
see him?
And here
are some hints at Crossbones’ role in Civil War. What do you think he’ll be doing?
And just like that, we
have set photos
of Black Panther in costume! Which new
character are you most excited for, Spider-Man or Black Panther?
Jessica Jones
will be a psychological thriller
series with a serious neo-Noir feel to it.
Who’s excited for this series?
Who’s excited to see
Jon Bernthal’s Frank Castle on Daredevil season 2? These photos
definitely have me excited!
MCU Risk? Color me interested.
News from Around
Anything not
related to the MCU that I find interesting
So… this
happened. Ouch. And FOX is projected to lose $60 million on
this movie,
adding fuel to a decline in profits from last year. I’m guessing three months before FOX makes a
Fantastic Four deal with Marvel. Do you
want the over or the under?
the answer to why the Fantastic Four weren’t wearing the iconic blue
suits. And it makes sense, though I
highly doubt Miles Teller will ever get a chance to wear the blue suit
now. Maybe when Marvel (inevitably)
reboots it after FOX (inevitably) sells the rights back we’ll get to see the
blue suits.
Now for a little
levity, here
is a compilation of 5 of the best Fant4stic reviews from YouTube. Warning:
a couple have very strong language.
What did you think of the movie if you saw it?
So what’s up next with
Fant4stic and the Fantastic Four?
Could FOX sell the rights back? Could they go for a soft reboot with that planned
2017 sequel? Push the Four in a straight-up sequel? Joint venture with Marvel a la Sony and Spider-Man? Apparently FOX is still planning on the sequel. I’d rather have them just sell the rights
back to Marvel (have you signed this petition
yet? It already has over 30k signatures). I really don’t think they deserve
a fifth chance…
Would seeing an Easter
Egg of the Fantasticar
or H.E.R.B.I.E.
have redeemed this movie for you? Yeah…
me neither.
Professor Xavier will
be joining Logan in Wolverine 3,
“Old Man Logan.” How do you think they
will send these two off?
a first look at the script for New Mutants. What do you want to see in this movie?
A little more
information about Legends of Tomorrow. Are you going to watch?
Excited to see Red Tornado
and more on Supergirl?
John Constantine will
be making an appearance
on Arrow this season! Specifically, he will be called in as an
expert to help them understand the ramifications of Sara Lance’s resurrection. It is intended as a one-off, but Greg
Berlanti is open to bringing him back. Are you excited to see Constantine’s story
continue to some degree? Stephen Amell
sure is.
are some details on the villain for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. How excited are you for this movie?
Benicio del Toro is
that he will play the villain in Star Wars: Episode VIII. Who do you want to see him play?
is some news about the Han Solo spinoff movie, which will feature Han in his
late teens/early twenties. What do you
want to see in this movie?
Disney is reviving The
Lion King with a TV series. This actually looks kinda cute.
News from D23: first posters
for Cars 3, The Incredibles 2, and Toy Story 4. Which are you most excited for? I would definitely say The Incredibles 2
for myself.
New story details for Toy
Story 4: a Woody/Bo Peep love story. Huh. I
only saw Toy Story 3 very recently, but I have to say, that was just
about a perfect way to end the series. But
what do you think? I will say this: if it’s Woody and Bo Peep, I want to see an
answer to what happened to her between the second and third movies; she barely
got an acknowledgement in Toy Story 3, and I want to know why.
The League of
Extraordinary Gentlemen reboot is reportedly going to focus more on the
female characters. What do you want to see from this movie?
What do you think of
the Bromley Batman? I'm kind of hoping that this coming summer he will face off against the Suffolk Superman!
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