But now, onto the MCU
Another week, and more
MCU news! News about Marvel ABC, Captain America and Doctor
Strange rumors, and even some news about a certain movie that premiered
yesterday. Put some ketchup on your eggs, and catch-up (*ducks*) on your
Marvel news!
Mostly MCU Reviews
My articles from
the week
I started a series of
reviews for Agent Carter season 1 with the pilot episode, “Now is Not the End”
this week. What did you think of that
Reviews for the last 2
episodes of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 1, “Ragtag”
and “Beginning of the End.” What was your opinion of AoS season 1?
is my proposal for a Marvel One-Shot as a follow-up to Ant-Man. What do you think?
MCU News
Links to news
articles and blog posts about the MCU
Ant-Man fell to 3rd in the box office last weekend,
but it has now more than made back its budget:
$132.1 million domestically, $291.6 million globally. And all of this is on a $130 million budget,
meaning that it has so far made about $30 million profit. Where do you think Ant-Man will end up
in terms of box office revenue? My guess
was around $400 million, but I may need to push that up to $450-$500
million. Regardless, Ant-Man is
definitely going to have a very respectable profit margin.
is a report that Mark Ruffalo was seen on the set filming Captain America:
Civil War in Germany. Does this
confirm that the Hulk will appear in the movie?
It’s looking more and more likely… (Note: According to this
he was not actually on-set)
What do you think of
these rumors
about Benedict Cumberbatch’s Doctor Strange costume?
And here’s
some more Doctor Strange information, specifically that the movie’s gonna
get trippy. I have to admit, a Marvel
movie inspired by M.C. Escher and Fantasia definitely sounds
different! Excited yet?
Rumor has it that the
villain for the Spider-Man reboot will be Kraven. I think the first movie might be too soon for
a “Kraven’s Last Hunt” adaptation, but the second or third in the series would
be a good time to bring that in. But
what do you think?
Let the speculation…
continue! What happened to Simmons? Elizabeth Henstridge hinted that “She’s
definitely changed by the experience, and what’s happened to her is going to
impact the season – kind of as a theme or something like that.” Something that just occurred to me this week
(as a follow-up to my series on potential Secret Warriors) is that her
character and the Sarah Garza character from the comics could be merged—meaning
that Simmons would have energy projection abilities which she struggles to
control. What do you think?
Do you think Kermit
the Frog (and the new Muppets TV series) should have a crossover with Agents
of S.H.I.E.L.D.? Kermit wants to join them. I have 3 words for you: “Kermit the Throg.”
and here
is some information—teases really—about Skye/Daisy/Quake’s character for Agents
of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 3.
Excited? It’s less than 2 months
Add this to the list
of questions I never thought I’d be asking myself: Did Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter have
sex? Hayley Atwell thinks they did. Personally, I disagree with her based on
their respective characters: I do not
think Steve Rogers is the kind of guy to sleep with a woman before they’re
married—and certainly not before going into the ice. I think they would both want to (and so I can
see some arguments in favor of it), but that’s not the same thing as saying
they did. I will post a more-detailed answer on Tuesday, but in the meantime, what do you think?
We now know who the
villain will be for Agent Carter season 2: Madame Masque. Are you excited to see a retro take on Madame
Masque facing off against Peggy?
So apparently this
is still a thing, and “99.99999%” of the speculation is off-the-mark—meaning
it’s probably not Ms. Marvel, Cloak and Dagger, Deathlok… What is your out-there speculation? Mine is Isaiah Bradley, the second
(unofficial) Captain America, as an Agent Carter spinoff.
News from Around
Anything not
related to the MCU that I find interesting
Are you excited for
the Disney XD Guardians of the Galaxy series? I admit, I enjoyed watching Avengers:
Earth’s Mightiest Heroes on Netflix, along with Spider-Man: Web Warriors. However, I’m not sure if I will watch it,
though it looks really interesting.
Saturday mornings just don’t work for me, unfortunately.
Are you interested in
“LEGO Marvel’s Avengers”? I am definitely tempted to get it for PS3: It has Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) and Squirrel
Apparently rumors of Gambit’s
demise have been greatly exaggerated: Channing Tatum will in fact be playing the
Ragin’ Cajun!
The Fant4stic
cast was talking about possibilities for the/a sequel, and 2 suggestions were
Silver Surfer and Namor. Unfortunately (or fortunately as the case may
be), I’m pretty sure Namor has a better chance of showing up in the MCU.
Talk of a Fant4stic
sequel may be premature, however; here
are some quotes
from early reviews. And here
is Comicbook.com’s review. And
review. Oh, and Rotten Tomatoes has it
at 11%, lower than the 2005 version’s 25%. Summary:
Save your money! Are you still going
to see it? I had been planning to see
it, but I’m going to save my money. When
it’s in the bargain bin at Walmart next month, maybe I’ll buy it and review it.
So they went back and
Victor Domashev’s name to “Victor von Doom” in post-production for Fant4stic
(And here’s why). Huh.
In recent weeks there really hasn’t been anything about this movie that
has excited me, and for some reason I actually wish they’d just left the name
as is—whatever problems there are with this movie will not be solved by
changing the villain’s name back to the comic book original. But does this do anything for the rest of you?
How bad is Fant4stic? It’s so bad that it created a rift in the
universe, shunting itself into a universe running parallel to the X-Men
movies. Of course, this doesn’t mean that there’s no
chance of a crossover; after all, the whole Fant4stic movie hinges on
interdimensional travel… But now the
question is, do you want them to cross over?
In fact, thus far Fant4stic
is the worst-reviewed Marvel movie ever! Rotten Tomatoes has it worse than Elektra,
Howard the Duck, Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance…
Remember how Josh
Trank tweeted out that
his cut was better than the theatrical cut?
Well, here’s some more news on how the FOX front office messed it up: they cut major set pieces, removed action
scenes, took the third act out of his hands, and didn’t let the director into
the editing room. Ugh.
It’s not all bad news
for Fant4stic, however. It still
managed to make $2.7 million
in Thursday night showings. Does that
mean they will win the weekend… or not flop?
I’m not sure. Social media—and
terrible reviews-can actually kill a movie over the course of a single day. Sure enough, the bad word-of-mouth has Fant4stic’s
Friday numbers down and weekend predictions plummeting. Friday’s number: $11.3 million
including Thursday night. Ouch.
FOX is actively developing an X-Men TV series. However, the first order of business for them
is “negotiations with Marvel.” It
doesn’t state exactly what they are negotiating for, but I remember hearing a
while back that Marvel still owns TV rights to the mutants, so FOX may be
trying to work out a way to get TV rights to the characters whose movie rights
they already own. And I actually hope
that those negotiations are fruitful:
I’d like to see Marvel get movie rights to a few characters—either
outright or shared with FOX. I’ll post a
quick article later today with my proposal for such a deal. In the meantime, what would your ideal deal
between FOX and Marvel look like (preferably a fair one; no “give Marvel all
their characters back!”)?
Yet another hero has
been cast
in the DCTVU. How many heroes does this
bring them up to now? Say what you will
about DC falling behind Marvel on the big screen, but DC is really bringing it
to The CW.
And no soon had news
of Hawkman’s casting dropped than The CW announced Casper Crump to play Vandal Savage. And Savage will make his debut in a crossover
episode between Arrow and The Flash. Excited?
And another
hero (okay, sidekick) has been cast for The Flash: Wally West. Which new character are you most excited for?
So Lucy Lane will be
appearing in Supergirl. Are you excited for this show?
Who’s excited for Star Wars Battlefront III? I’m disappointed that they don’t have it for
PS3, but I may decide to get it for PC.
Who’s up for a Stuart
Little reboot?
So… Dungeons and
Dragons remake: Good or bad? And... discuss.
According to Colin
Trevorrow, the Jurassic World sequel
may see the dinosaurs enter the 21st century through open
source. In other words: dinosaurs created all over the world and not
for a theme park. What do you think?
Apparently Sony has
decided to double-down
on Bad Boys. I can’t say I blame
them, considering the star power Will Smith brings, but considering that it
will have been 14 years between the second and third sequels—and the second one
got a ton of negative reviews—is this really their smartest move? Oh wait… it’s Sony!
Another sequel in the
works: Sherlock Holmes 3
with RDJ and Jude Law. I really liked
the first 2, so I can’t wait for this one.
However, there’s something of an Inception thing going on with
Sherlock Holmes and Marvel: Sherlock
Holmes is playing Iron Man and Doctor Strange, and Sherlock Holmes’ love
interest is possibly playing the love interest of Sherlock Holmes… but the wrong
Sherlock Holmes. And if Sherlock Holmes
and Sherlock Holmes are ever on the screen together in a non-Sherlock Holmes
film/series, will that cause a quantum singularity pulling the entire MCU into
an alternate dimension?
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