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Image Courtesy www.comicbook.com |
This episode of Agents
of S.H.I.E.L.D., “Devils You Know,” went very Inhumans-heavy, but at the
same time succeeded in continuing and expanding the Hydra storyline. Overall I
enjoyed everything in this episode, and for some reason it didn’t feel like too
much. It’s not like there was any less going on in this episode, though the
Fitz-and-Simmons plot was dialed back substantially to make room for Hydra. I
wonder if the reason this doesn’t feel like too much while last week did is
because the Fitz-and-Simmons subplot took a backseat and we got substantially
more development from Hunter and May. Maybe they just found the right balance
between the 2 main plots. Whatever it is, it worked pretty well this
episode—but I still think the spinoff (taking a few characters and plots away
to let this show focus in on just 1 or 2 plots) can’t happen soon enough.
The focus on the
Inhumans starts right off the bat as a couple is preparing dinner at home. There’s
a knock on the door, and Alisha (the “Ginger Ninjas”) is there to see them. She
comes in, and not 5 minutes later Lash smashes his way through the door and
attacks them. We don’t get to see much of the other two Inhumans’ powers—he
seems to start floating and her arms seem to lengthen—as they get killed pretty
quickly, along with Alisha, who turns out to be a clone; the original is on
Zephyr One with Coulson. Later on we find out that Alisha approached
S.H.I.E.L.D. because she was worried about her friends (perhaps because she saw
Lincoln on the news), but they don’t explain if this is her first mission with
S.H.I.E.L.D. or if she’s been working with them for a while now. They also
don’t explain how feeling her clone get killed will affect her. When Lincoln
shocked the original Alisha on the carrier, it knocked all the clones
unconscious; when this clone was killed by Lash, the original Alisha felt it on
the plane. I assume that in the coming episodes they will explain this further;
you may remember that over the summer I talked about the possibility of Alisha
joining the Secret Warriors
and said I thought it was even money either way. Seeing her again makes that a
little more of a possibility.
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Image Courtesy www.accesshollywood.com |
One thing that strikes
me all through this episode is the level of distrust between the A.T.C.U. and
S.H.I.E.L.D. Coulson is willing to share information with them, but we haven’t
seen very much information sharing the other way. I think it is very much in
character for Daisy to demand to know how the Inhumans in A.T.C.U. custody are
being treated (assuming there are any). The only information sharing we do see
comes when S.H.I.E.L.D. and the A.T.C.U. find a virus on the Inhuman couple’s
computer and Daisy traces it back to the source, a Social Security
Administration worker. They jointly lock down the area and storm the building
to find the man, Dwight Fry, huddled in the closet with a cocoon on the floor
outside it. Evidently he is an Inhuman with the ability to sense the presence
of other Inhumans (they give him a headache and a rash). The A.T.C.U. takes him
into custody, and Coulson demands that Rosalind allow Daisy and Mack to see the
facility where they keep the Inhumans they’ve found. En route, however, Lash
attacks their truck and kills Fry, but leaves everyone else—Daisy
included—alive. And when he’s walking away, Daisy watches him transform into a
small, slight body. That’s definitely a departure from the comics, but I am
very curious to see where this is going. My wife suspects that he is either
Rosalind or Banks, but I don’t think so, since Lash attacked Daisy and Lincoln
at the same time that Rosalind and Banks were holding Coulson and Hunter
prisoner on the train in the season premiere. Regardless, I think it is almost
certain that the A.T.C.U. is running him in some form or another, and that the
A.T.C.U.’s arrangement with Coulson is the only reason Daisy was left alive.
That would also explain how Lash knew where to find them and why he did it
then: this prevented S.H.I.E.L.D. from finding and seeing the A.T.C.U.’s
This main plot was
really interesting and really well done. I hope they aren’t going to treat all
newly-introduced Inhumans this way moving forward, though: we met 3 this
episode, none of whom made it to the credits! I’m still not sure about Coulson’s
decision to work with the A.T.C.U., and I still don’t trust the A.T.C.U. at
all, and I’m glad to see that reflected in Daisy and Bobbi’s reactions to
Coulson’s partnership with Rosalind.
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Image Courtesy www.comicbook.com |
This week Hunter’s
infiltration of Hydra became the secondary plot. Hunter letting the mission
become personal—and May calling him on it—was a good move in that it
acknowledged what we’ve known all along: Hunter’s going nuts because Ward
almost killed Bobbi. May is worried that Hunter will get himself killed, and
takes her concerns to Coulson, leading to an interesting conversation with
Andrew at the Playground. I like how slowly they’ve explained just what
happened between May and Andrew: last week we found out that he divorced her
the first time, and this week we found out that he ran out on her in Hawaii
(after she originally ran out on him the first time). What’s going to happen
next with them? Possibly nothing, considering how the episode ended! Hunter
gets shoved in a trunk and brought to Ward’s base, where he comes face-to-face
with the man himself. Hunter manages to grab a rifle and take out a couple of
the Hydra soldiers and get to cover, but Ward and Kebo survive the initial
attack. Then, just when it looks like Hunter’s about to get killed, May
surprises them, coming in and taking out another five soldiers. However,
S.H.I.E.L.D. is still 20 minutes out, and there are still half a dozen Hydra
soldiers left. And that’s when Ward plays his trump card: Werner von
Strucker is in position to execute Andrew if he just gives the word, and May
will get to watch via phone camera. May hesitates to put Andrew in danger, but
Hunter attacks before she can make up her mind, chasing Ward from his
headquarters and shooting him in the shoulder as he escapes.
The fight scene
between May and Hunter and Hydra was really intense and fun to watch. May’s
conflict between stopping Ward and saving Andrew was acted extremely well. And
at the end when Werner blew up the convenience store after we saw someone’s
legs surrounded by a pool of blood, we are definitely meant to believe that
they killed Andrew. However, I’m not entirely convinced: we never saw the body’s
face. It’s entirely possible that Andrew survived and Werner is all panicky
because he escaped. Either way, that whole sequence was very well done in my opinion.
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Image Courtesy www.lightlybuzzed.com |
The only other subplot
in this episode involved Fitz and Simmons, with Bobbi as a third wheel. First,
Bobbi gets on Fitz’ nerves for using the wrong color sample bag (“‘B’ is for
‘blue’ is for ‘biological’”). The scene of Simmons in counseling with Andrew
was interesting, particularly with her vehemently denying being “one of his
Inhuman patients” (“Methinks the lady doth protest too much”). It is clear that
her time on the planet changed Simmons in some fundamental way, but in this
episode the only indicator of how is that she gave up hope while there. After
that, Fitz discovers a file Simmons has been working on to figure out how to
reopen the portal, something Simmons has told Bobbi about, but which neither of
them will tell Fitz. Of course, at the end of the episode Simmons finally does
tell Fitz after he figures it out on his own from seeing the file. And not only
does she want to go back, but she wants him to help her do it. This is of
course setting up next week’s episode, which will explain what happened to her
on the planet.
Overall I really
enjoyed this episode. It included just enough from each of the three major plots
to satisfy, and it offered a good balance between the top two. The Inhuman
couple at the beginning didn’t get nearly enough development before their untimely
demises, but what they did get was enough (barely) to empathize when Lash
killed them. I wish we had learned more about Lash in this episode, but what we
did learn was enough to keep my interest in him going. Thus far it seems as
though they are rotating between these three plots (Inhumans/ATCU/Last, Hydra,
and Simmons) on a roughly-weekly basis, with the “off episodes” setting up the
next “on episode” for each plot. In the first 4 episodes this seems to be
working pretty well, though this is the biggest episode Hydra has gotten so
far, and the first time it has really tied in with the other plots.
Going forward I am
very interested to see how Ward, Hydra, and Hunter will factor in, because at
this point Hunter’s deep cover mission appears to be dead in the water. At this
point the only consequences from that mission are Ward getting shot, Andrew
possibly getting killed, and everyone involved getting angrier at each other. Other
than that, Hunter is most likely right back with S.H.I.E.L.D. and Ward is right
back in the wind. The key in the next few episodes will be to show that Hunter’s
mission had consequences; otherwise, why spend all this time building that
mission up?
What did you think of
this episode? Who do you think Lash is? Why do you think Simmons has to return
to the planet? Let me know in the comments!
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email whenever I publish a new article, go to the top of the page and enter
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Edit: I'm an idiot and got Werner von Strucker's name wrong. Let the shaming commence.
Edit: I'm an idiot and got Werner von Strucker's name wrong. Let the shaming commence.
Click agents of shield season 3 netflix watch free online now. WHAT IT'S ABOUT Created by Joss Whedon, this picks up from where his big-screen "The Avengers" left off, following the battle of New York with -- surprise -- agent Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) still very much alive. A new threat called The Rising Tide looms. His new team: agents Melinda May (Ming-Na Wen), Leo Fitz (Iain De Caestecker) and Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge), and computer hacker Skye (Chloe Bennet). As with "Avengers," everything takes place in the Marvel Universe, peopled by thousands of characters.
ReplyDeleteMY SAY ABC introduced this show to the press over the summer with cloak- and-dagger theatrics that even agent Coulson would have admired. The pilot was hand-delivered under guard to the Beverly Hilton, where it was then played to critics who were warned that anyone caught recording would be vaporized, or otherwise meet an end far too gruesome to explain to their spouses or employers. That's an exaggeration, but not by much. Marvel, now under the aegis of Disney, means business with its first TV series. Secrets must be kept because everything, including the fate of the Marvel Universe, seems to be riding on this. Maybe everything is -- at least for ABC -- although for the moment, there's nothing to worry about. "S.H.I.E.L.D." boasts a must-watch pilot that will forcibly remind viewers of what network TV can still do, if budget is a secondary concern. As with "The Avengers," Whedon's ear and sensibilities match the material perfectly -- that high-velocity back- and-forth snark that illuminates character and motive, even when you don't always know exactly what someone just said. That's a neat trick, but it may also hint at a broader concern for the average viewer. Just how deeply will this dive into the Marvel Universe, a bewildering place, even for experts? The pilot, which can be a thicket in places, indicates dumbing down will not be an option. And if you didn't like "The Avengers," or don't know who the Fantastic Four are (none of whom appear here), or superheroes put you in a deep snooze, then move along: "S.H.I.E.L.D." isn't for you. But if the success of the "Iron Man"/"Avengers" movie franchises is any indication, it should be for plenty of others. Watch movies on watch32 very great!
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