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Potential spoiler ahead
for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 2, episode 15, “One Door Closes.” Oh, and there are also a couple shockers from the comics in the next paragraph. You've been warned.
If there’s one thing
we’ve learned about comic books, it’s that death is never permanent. There aren’t many characters in the comics
who haven’t experienced this at least once:
Captain America, Beucky Barnes, Iron Man, Thor… Even characters whose deaths were emotionally
significant (such as Gwen Stacy) are not immune to being resurrected when the
plot demands it—Gwen Stacy was “resurrected” last year as “Spider Gwen,” an
alternate-reality Spider Man. We’ve
discovered that the same holds true in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
I only bring this up
because Lucy Lawless is set to guest star in this week’s episode of Agents
of S.H.I.E.L.D., “One Door Closes” (2x15).
You should remember that she played S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Isabelle Hartley
in “Shadows” (2x01). However, I think I
speak for everyone when I say that I thought the way that episode ended left
very little opportunity for her to come back.
Remember: she picked up the
Diviner and her hand started turning black and dying almost immediately. She didn’t change right away, so Hunter and
Idaho rushed her to the SUV and left to bring her to a hospital. En route, Hartley convinced Hunter to
amputate her arm, which he seemed to have succeeded in doing; however, their
SUV was flipped over when Absorbing Man attacked them and turned himself into a
man-sized speed bump. At the beginning
of the next episode, “Heavy is the Head,” Hunter checked on Hartley and Idaho
and found that they were both dead with their eyes open and glassed over. That episode ended with Hunter and Coulson
attending Hartley’s funeral. In other
words, she’s pretty much as dead as anyone can be in the comics. So how can she be appearing in “One Door
This got me
thinking: what other characters have
“died” and then returned to the MCU?
Surprisingly, almost every movie has at least one character who
“returns” from the “dead.”
Iron Man – Tony
is presumed dead at the beginning of the movie.
I don’t know whether we should really consider Tony being presumed dead
as an example of a character “returning from the dead,” since the audience knew
all along that he was alive.
The Incredible Hulk
– There really isn’t anyone who dies and comes back to life in The
Incredible Hulk… unless you count Stan Lee drinking a soda contaminated
with Hulk-blood and collapsing, only to come back in Thor (or Iron
Man 2, whichever cameos comes first!).
Oh yeah, and there’s also the alternate opening that includes Bruce
trying to commit suicide and Hulking out for his troubles (an event referenced
in The Avengers). Does that
count? I don’t think it counts, but you
could count it if you want.
Iron Man 2 – The
closest thing to dying and coming back to life that I can remember (I haven’t
seen Iron Man 2 in a while) is Tony curing himself from chronic ARC
reactor poisoning toward the end of the movie.
Thor – Does it
count that Thor both dies and is resurrected within about 30 seconds at the end
of the movie when the Destroyer slaps him and breaks his neck? On the one hand, it seems clear to me that he
actually died when the Destroyer snapped his neck and crushed his windpipe—that’s
the event that demonstrates his worthiness.
On the other hand, he’s really only dead about as long as it takes for
Odin to say “Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the
power of Thor.” So his death is probably
the shortest actual death in the MCU. Of
course, then there’s also Loki falling off the crumbling remains of the Bifrost
to his “death.” But how many people
believed that Loki was really gone when he let go of the staff? I can’t remember—was it before or after Thor
came out that Marvel announced that Loki would be the main villain for The
Avengers? Because if it was before, then I really don’t know how anyone could have thought he died at the end of Thor—even
without him showing up in the post-credits scene!
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Image Courtesy www.marvel.com |
Captain America:
The First Avenger – About halfway through the movie, Bucky fell to his “death”
in the Alps. Then at the end of the
movie, Captain America got frozen in ice.
And then after a quick montage of V-E Day celebration he woke up again
in a crude mock-up of post-war Brooklyn.
Admittedly, both of these “deaths” really weren’t all that surprising
for comic book fans; I don’t think anyone in the know really bought that Bucky
was dead; after all, Sebastian Stan has a longer deal with Marvel than Chris
Evans! And as far as Captain America
dying in his solo film that leads up to The Avengers… if he had
actually died it would have made for a pretty wild twist!
The Avengers – Loki
returned from the “dead” even before the movie had really begun. Then about halfway through the movie Coulson
died when Loki stabbed him through the chest with the scepter. I remember being completely shocked in the
theater when Coulson died, and then seeing dozens of fan theories of ways he
could really be alive (I think my favorite was that he might turn out to have
been the Vision all along). But in the
context of the movie, his death helped to unite Captain America and Iron Man to
avenge his death and defeat Loki.
Iron Man 3 – Near
the beginning of Iron Man 3, Tony is presumed dead (again) when the
Mandarin attacks and destroys his house.
Of course the only one who ever thinks he’s really dead is Pepper (which
is becoming a theme here); the audience sees JARVIS save him with the Mark XLII
suit. Oh yeah, and then there was that
whole Pepper falling out of a room suspended from a crane into a massive
fireball, only to turn up alive about 5 minutes later to save Tony’s bacon.
Thor: The Dark
World – Near the end of the movie, Loki is killed by Kurse, the big bad elf
dude. Of course, they don’t leave us in
the dark for too long; shortly after Thor and Jane leave, an Asgardian soldier
is seen walking away from the place where Loki’s body had been left. Then by the end of the movie Loki is revealed
to be alive and sitting on Odin’s throne in disguise.
America: The Winter Soldier – Fury did not have a good time of it during Captain
America: The Winter Soldier. First
he gets attacked by a group of mercenaries disguised as police officers, then
the Winter Soldier attacks him in the middle of the street and flips his SUV
end over end, and finally he gets blown away by the Winter Soldier shooting
through an apartment wall that must’ve been made of paper. He gets rushed to the hospital where he dies
in surgery. And then about a day later
Hill brings Cap, Black Widow, and Falcon to his secret underground bunker where
he is revealed to have faked his own death with a drug that slows the heart
rate to a ridiculously-low level. Oh
yeah, and the “Winter Soldier” from the title?
That’s actually Bucky Barnes.
Whoa! (Said no one who knows the
first thing about Captain America)
Guardians of the
Galaxy – At the end of the movie, Groot got blown into firewood!—oh, wait,
never mind. Rocket just planted a
twig. We’re good now.
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Image Courtesy www.comicbook.com |
Bonus: Agents of
S.H.I.E.L.D. – Coulson is revealed to be alive in the Pilot episode when he
scares Ward out of his chair. In the
second half of the season he discovers that he was revived by the blood of a
blue alien (whom we now know to be Kree).
And that’s just the most obvious case of a character “dying” and coming
back to life. Dr. Hall falls into a blob
of gravitonium in “The Asset” (1x03), but is revealed to still be sort-of alive
(though they haven’t really capitalized on that particular plot point
yet). Mike Peterson is presumed dead in
the explosion at the end of “The Bridge” (1x10). Skye got shot and practically died in
“T.R.A.C.K.S.” (1x13), though they saved her.
Eric Koenig was killed in “The Only Light in the Darkness” (1x19), only for
Patton Oswalt to show up a couple episodes later as Billy (and Sam).
Bonus #2: Agent Carter- The undead twins, a
couple of Leviathan operatives who were reported as killed during the Massacre
of Finow, show up to tangle with Peggy in the first couple episodes. Then there was that little matter of Dottie
falling out a second-story window to her death and landing sprawled out on a
plane wing, only to shake it off and walk away under her own power.
These are only the
characters who were presumed dead and then were shown to have either been
brought back to life or have faked their own deaths. If we were to add in all the characters who
have died but could be resurrected, the list would grow considerably longer
(Ronan is just the first example that comes to mind). Long story short, death is not the end of the
So how could they be
planning to bring Hartley back? The
simplest option is that she’ll be appearing in a flashback from when Hartley,
Bobbi, and Mack all accepted the assignment to infiltrate Coulson’s S.H.I.E.L.D. However, there are other options. She could somehow have faked her death to go
undercover within S.H.I.E.L.D. (or Hydra).
She could be a member of an immortal species that cannot be killed. Related to that option, she could be the
product of Super Soldier experimentation which gives her a healing factor. Considering how slowly the Diviner infected
her compared to everyone else it killed, it wouldn’t surprise me to find out
that there really is something special about her. Even if she doesn’t have the Inhuman gene,
there could be something else at work.
Maybe she’s working for Maria Hill (and by extension Tony Stark), and
will show up with a brand-new Stark Tech cybernetic arm complete with weapon
Of all the options
listed, I think the best guess would be the first one: Hartley will appear in a flashback that
fleshes out this “Real S.H.I.E.L.D.” subplot.
However, I think the most exciting option would be for her to be
revealed as some sort of “gifted individual,” or to have been rescued and given
an enhanced cybernetic arm. That would
be pretty cool!
So what do you
think? How do you think that Hartley
will appear in this episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.? Do you think that Marvel uses the “person
‘dies’ and comes back to life” thing a little too much?
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