Mostly MCU Reviews
My articles from
the week
First up for the week,
my review of Jessica Jones season 1, episode 10, “AKA Sin Bin.” What did you think of Simpson in season 1?
Agent Carter
season 2, episode 3, “Better Angels” expectations
and review. What did you think of Howard in this episode?
So Howard Stark is the
progenitor of the MCU’s very own MCU:
his movie is Kid Colt, based on the Marvel character of the same
name. Do you want to see a Marvel Western
at some point?
MCU News
Links to news
articles and blog posts about the MCU
Just in case you’re
not hyped enough for Captain America: Civil War, here’s
another promotional image, this one from Brazil:
Before the Marvel
Security Team could jump out of a closet and tranquilize her, Rachel McAdams
did manage to confirm that her Doctor Strange character is another doctor,
and that most of her scenes are with Doctor Strange. Is she a version of the Night Nurse?
A lot of people are
taking this picture from the Jessica Jones official Twitter account as a hint that Luke Cage will debut this
However, I’m not so
sure. I don’t doubt that it could
be hinting at Luke Cage in November (though if my math is correct and
there aren’t any delays, Luke Cage should be ready for release this
summer), but I don’t think that it’s necessarily a reference to Luke Cage
at all. Instead, it could just as easily
be a hint that they are planning for Jessica Jones season 2 to debut
this November (a year after season 1) and focus on Luke Cage—perhaps Jessica
trying to track him down. After all, the
other folder in the picture has Hope’s name on it (it says “Hope—Missing”), and
she was the subject of the primary case in Jessica Jones season 1. Evidently I’m not the only one thinking this
is not about Luke Cage, as Blackfilm.com
claims to have a “trusted source” that told them that Luke Cage will
debut in late summer. Which way are you
taking this image?
Scott Reynolds, one of
the writers of Jessica Jones season 1, appears to be the first new addition to the Iron
Fist team as a writer, joining showrunner Scott Buck (“Great Scotts!”)—though
the incriminating statement on his Twitter feed has since been removed. Additionally, Mike Colter revealed that
Marvel has cast its Danny Rand,
though there is no revelation as to who.
Hopefully we will get some more information soon!
Here is our first
definitive piece of information about Marvel’s Most Wanted: Delroy Lindo has been cast
as Dominic Fortune, a
World War II mercenary and soldier-of-fortune who was considered but passed
over for Project Rebirth (in favor of Steve Rogers). I’m going to go out on a limb and say that
Fortune is going to be time-displaced from his World War II comic book origin
and set in modern-day for this series.
Radical, I know. What do you
think this series will be about?
News from Around
Anything not
related to the MCU that I find interesting
Are you excited to see
the new DC Animated Film Justice League vs. Teen Titans? It will be released digitally on March 29 and
on disc on April 12. Among others, the
voice cast includes at least a couple Daredevil actors: Rosario Dawson as Wonder Woman and Jon
Bernthal as Trigon.
What do you think of
the main cast costumes
for Rogue One?
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