Mostly MCU Reviews
My articles from
the week
Wow. It wasn’t until I was putting this together
that I realized I had only published 3 articles this week. However, going forward that will increase
slightly, what with Jessica Jones reviews on their way over the next few
months. But that’s not starting until
next week.
First up for this
week, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 3, episode 8, “Many Heads, One Tale”
and review. What did you think of that major twist at the
Also, expectations
for Jessica Jones season 1. Have
you started watching it yet? I’m not
watching it as fast as I did with Daredevil season 1, so I will publish
2 non-spoiler reviews this week: first
half (episodes 1-6, probably tomorrow) and second half (episodes 7-13, probably
Wednesday). I’ll also publish my review
of episode 1, “A.K.A. Ladies Night,” on Monday.
MCU News
Links to news
articles and blog posts about the MCU
is an interview with Paul Bettany where he talks about Vision’s role in Captain
America: Civil War.
Production on Doctor
Strange has shifted from Nepal to England. This movie is less than a year away!
For those who want to
look ahead beyond the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. midseason finale (which
will be December 8 due to them taking this Tuesday off for Thanksgiving), you
can look forward to
Agent Carter season 2 debuting on January 5 with a 2-part premiere, and
then Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. returning on March 8.
Huh. You know that major retcon shocker twist from
this week’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.?
It actually has precedence in the comics
thanks to the recent S.H.I.E.L.D. comic series that started in
2010. Cool!
So Jessica Jones
was released on Netflix yesterday. Here’s a spoiler-free review of the first
episode from Comicbook.com. I’ll have a spoiler-free review up as soon as
I finish the series, either today or tomorrow.
If you’ve started watching it, what do you think? Just be sure to avoid spoilers!
an interview with David Tennant where he talks about the Purple Man.
This was mentioned
quite a while ago, but was said again with Jessica Jones being released
yesterday: Carol Danvers was in the original script
back when it was at ABC, but was replaced with Trish Walker for Netflix because
Marvel has bigger plans for Captain Marvel.
I still kind of hope that they cross paths at some point, but so far I’m
liking what I’ve seen from Trish Walker.
Of course David
Tennant would like to see his Kilgrave face off against the Avengers. However, do you think it will happen? Considering that the Avengers are 2-for-2 in
mind-control-in-movies, I’d say there’s a good chance of it happening in the
next one, but that there’s also a good chance that we don’t want to see more of
it. If we’re going to have Kilgrave face
off against a super team, I think the Defenders or Secret Warriors might be
more likely for right now. Kilgrave is a
big enough threat that a group could be necessary to fight him, but maybe not
quite big enough to call in the Avengers just yet.
Finally, after a month
or two of rumors flying around, Joe Quesada has come out and said that the Iron
Fist series is “definitely” still happening. Can we stop with the rumors now? So what actor do we want to cast as Danny
Have you seen this
fan-made Miles Morales Spider-Man video? The production and acting is obviously not
Hollywood quality, but it’s definitely an interesting concept. My biggest problem with it conceptually was
Miles’ age—in the comics he’s even younger than Peter Parker was when he
started, and that really informed the character. But I would definitely love to see Marvel
play around with Miles Morales as the successor to Peter Parker in the MCU at
some point, say in Phase 5. I'm actually thinking about writing up how I could see Miles Morales appear in the MCU for Tuesday or Wednesday since we don't have Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. to look forward to this week.
News from Around
Anything not
related to the MCU that I find interesting
Mockingbird is getting
her own comic book series. Makes sense for them to push the character
considering that Mockingbird is also going to be getting her own TV series in Marvel’s
Most Wanted. I wonder if the two
series will borrow from each other at all.
So… Channing Tatum’s Gambit
movie is still happening. Anyone else surprised? It’s being pushed back to 2017, though, since
it won’t be able to enter production until the spring.
It’s not all
bad news for FOX, though, as another X-Men movie is going to be entering production as soon
as next year for a 2018 release.
There is a new rumor
suggesting that Chris Pine will be playing both the modern Steve Trevor and his
grandfather during World War I.
Additionally, Saïd Taghmaoui may be playing a DC superhero, but which
hero is unclear.
is our first look as Gal Gadot in Wonder Woman.
We are getting some
more information
about Justice League Dark: Ben
Mendelsohn is being sought for the villain, and Ron Perlman and Colin Farrell
are reportedly
up for the roles of Swamp Thing and John Constantine, respectively. Are you looking forward to this movie?
is Ezra Miller’s explanation of how his Flash will be different from Grant
Gustin’s. Are you pleased with WB’s
decision to have 2 different actors for TV and film?
It’s amazing how
current events can affect TV. Following the Paris ISIS
attack last Friday, CBS changed its Supergirl schedule and NBC pulled
its scheduled NCIS: Los Angeles episode because they dealt with
terrorist bombings and ISIS respectively.
So while I was waiting
for Jessica Jones I decided to indulge my DC-curiosity by watching Arrow
seasons 1 and 2. It’s a bit surreal
watching it from the beginning when I know a lot of what eventually happens,
like Roy Harper leaving the team in season 3.
However, he will be back
in season 4, which seems kind of obvious to me; I mean, he’s pretty much a
discount Dick Grayson (considering how Batman-heaving this series is)—he’s in
Bludhaven, even!—so of course he goes off to do his own vigilante thing but
eventually comes back to team up with the mentor when necessary.
Legends of Tomorrow
is reportedly
going to premiere on January 21, a Thursday, spreading the 3 shows out onto 3
nights. Odd; for some reason I thought
that Legends of Tomorrow was supposed to play during the other 2 shows’
Wow. A Star Wars
fan built a working holochess board. That is impressive!
Peter Jackson blames
the Hobbit trilogy’s failure on a matter of timing: He came into the game very late. While that makes sense, I would blame it more
on the fact that he deviated from the book in ludicrous and nonsensical ways,
driving away a lot of fans such as my family.
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