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Image Courtesy www.comicbook.com |
Ant-Man gave us
a lot of information. I mean, a lot. It wasn’t nearly as much as Avengers: Age
of Ultron, but it was still a lot to take in. Most of it was connected to the story at
hand, but like all Marvel movies, Ant-Man also gave us a few clues about
what could be coming down the pipe in Ant-Man’s future appearances as well as
in the MCU in general.
This week I’m going to
go through some of what Ant-Man gave us in terms of the MCU, as well as
possibilities for an Ant-Man sequel.
Warning: this post will contain spoilers for Ant-Man! If you haven’t seen the movie yet, what’s
wrong with you? Go to www.fandango.com right now, find a show
time, see the movie, and then come straight back here! (In the interest of full disclosure, I’m not getting
anything from Fandango… though if they wanted to send me free tickets, I would
not complain!)
Civil War Tie-In
There were three
scenes with Sam Wilson in Ant-Man (including the post-credits scene),
and all of these scenes give us clues toward Scott Lang’s role in the upcoming Captain
America: Civil War. In the first
scene, Scott meets Sam at the New Avengers Facility and the two of them
fight. My biggest take away from this
scene is that Ant-Man has the ability to go toe-to-toe with Avengers-level
heroes and survive. The next scene is at
the very end when we find out that Sam has been trying to track Ant-Man down
ever since their fight. What he wants
him for is not explored in the scene, but the odds seem pretty good that Sam
wants to recruit Ant-Man to help the Avengers out. Additionally, because Sam is the one
recruiting him, I suspect that Scott Lang will be on Cap’s side in Civil War—at
least at first.
The final direct Civil
War tie-in comes in the post-credits scene, which has been confirmed to
take place at some point during Captain America: Civil War. In this scene, we learn that Sam and Cap have
found Bucky, they can’t go to Tony for help, and they are instead going to call
in Ant-Man to help them out. What they
will need him for is unclear, but it probably has something to do with
Bucky—and by extension with Hydra. My
guess is that they are going to use Scott to infiltrate a Hydra base and find
information clearing them of any wrongdoing in whatever incident caused The
Accords to happen.
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Image Courtesy en.wikipedia.org |
Janet might still
be alive in the Microverse/Quantum Realm
As you may remember
from my article last week,
Janet Pym appeared in a single flashback scene in costume as the Wasp alongside
Hank Pym’s Ant-Man. However, Janet was
lost on that mission when she shrunk uncontrollably and disappeared into the
Quantum Realm. Since then no one has
heard from her.
During Ant-Man,
however, Scott succeeded in entering and leaving the Quantum Realm, so it is
possible that Janet is still alive and could possibly be rescued. I think this could play a major part in the
(inevitable) Ant-Man 2.
On that note, we
should talk about the possibility of Ant-Man 2. As of now, there is no sequel on the schedule
(and Michael Douglas is reportedly not under contract for any more movies). However, there are several loose ends which
could feasibly be tied up by a sequel.
So unless Ant-Man fails to make back its budget (which I fully
expect it to do—it’s already made almost $114 million domestically,
to say nothing of the international markets), there will be a sequel at some
point. I don’t think they will wait
until 2019 after The Inhumans to release it, either. Looking at the release schedule for Phase 3,
there aren’t too many obvious holes after July 2016. However, if Marvel chooses to squeeze a
sequel in, there are still a few options.
The first is to experiment with a September release date in 2017
(between Spider-Man at the end of July and Thor: Ragnarok at the
beginning of November)—perhaps Labor Day weekend. The second is another experiment: a January or February 2018 release date. That might be a riskier proposition, but if Deadpool
performs well with a February 2016 release date, I think Marvel Studios will be
more willing to test a February release date for themselves. Regardless, I don’t want to see Ant-Man 2
push any of the other movies back from their release dates—I’d much rather get
a fourth MCU movie one year!
Hope is the New
At the end of Ant-Man,
Hank showed Hope an advanced prototype Wasp suit which he and Janet had been
working on before her accident. However,
he has decided that it is time for Hope to have the prototype suit. In other words, Hope is going to become the
Wasp! And according to Kevin Feige, she
will be suiting up some time in Phase 3.
Now the only question is: When?
There are several
options, of course, so let’s run down some of them.
Chronologically, the
first option is Captain America: Civil War, alongside Scott Lang’s
Ant-Man. However, the powers that be
have stated that appearing in Cap 3 would really be doing Wasp a
disservice because it’s already really crowded.
The next option is Spider-Man—Ant-Man and Wasp could be the
characters borrowed from Marvel Studios to lend “Avengers-cred” to the
Spider-Man reboot. A third possibility
is Avengers: Infinity War, but since those movies look to be really
crowded also, it wouldn’t make much sense to hold her out of Civil War
and have her debut in an Infinity War.
Fourth, she could debut in Captain Marvel and team up with Carol
Danvers (and perhaps She-Hulk and Jessica Jones) in an A-Force-inspired team-up
movie. Fifth, she could suit up
alongside Scott in an Ant-Man 2 released in either 2017 or 2018 (see
A remote possibility
would be for Hope to make her debut as Wasp on the small screen with Agents
of S.H.I.E.L.D., perhaps as part of a storyline dealing with the next item
on our list—but I’m not holding my breath.
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Image Courtesy www.facebook.com/AgentsofShield |
Hydra now has Pym
Particle Technology
At the end of the
movie, ex-S.H.I.E.L.D. agent (current Hydra agent) Mitchell Carson escaped from
Pym Technologies with a vial of Darren Cross’s version of Pym Particles which
he stole off the body of a security agent.
From this, it is entirely possible that Hydra could discover how to
reproduce the Pym Particles and create their own Pym Particle-powered suits.
This could have major
ramifications for the entire MCU, and will almost certainly come into play down
the line as Hydra’s current form becomes more defined. Will this become an issue in Captain
America: Civil War as part of Baron Zemo’s plan to discredit and destroy
the Avengers? Could it appear sooner
than that in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 3, with Ward’s Neo-Hydra
group getting their hands on the Pym Particle and using it to infiltrate
S.H.I.E.L.D. and attack the Secret Warriors?
Might they decide to save it for Ant-Man 2? Any of these three places seem like valid
avenues for exploring this loose end.
Of the three options,
I think my preference would actually be for it to be explored on Agents of
S.H.I.E.L.D. if it isn’t a major part of Captain America: Civil War. Size-changing could certainly account for
whatever tragedy leads to the call for superhero registration in Civil War. However, that movie might already be too big
for this to be given its due. Ant-Man
2 is definitely the most logical place for this to come up again, but if it
does I think it would run the risk of turning into a rehash of the
original: Ant-Man has to steal a suit,
destroy Pym Particle research, and defeat another size-changer to keep the
world from devolving into chaos. I think
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. would be an excellent place for this concept to
be explored: It would give AoS a
major tie-in with the movies (similar to Captain America: The Winter Soldier),
it would introduce size-changing to AoS (paving the way for other
size-changers to appear on the show, including characters like Amazon and Reptil),
and this would let this loose end receive its due treatment rather than
squeezing it into an already-busy movie like Civil War.
Bonus Round: Cassie Could Gain Great Stature in the
If you read my
overview of characters who use Pym Particles (or just know the comics), you
know that Cassie Lang is one of them.
Growing up, she dosed herself with Pym Particles stolen from Scott’s
utility belt without his knowledge. Over
time, her body developed the ability to generate Pym Particles by itself,
changing her size based on her emotional state.
She was involved in the 50 States Initiative after the Superhero Civil
War—and that included a full-on giant-sized brawl at the Camp Hammond hero
training facility between herself and Eric O’Grady (the third Ant-Man) after he
made a disparaging comment about her (at the time dead) father. That brawl was only broken up by the timely
intervention of a giant Hank Pym. She
was also a member of the Young Avengers, adopting the codename Stature.
But that’s getting
ahead of ourselves.
In Ant-Man
there really isn’t that much to foreshadow Cassie’s future at giant size. In fact the only possible tease I saw was the
ant that Scott expanded to gigantic size and which Cassie adopted as a
pet. That doesn’t mean anything, though;
after all, the girl is only about 6 in the movie (note: I didn’t look this up until after the fact,
but the girl actually was 6 when they filmed it), and she’s a teenager
when she starts her hero career. Regardless,
if Cassie does become Stature at some point in the future—probably in Phase 4
(repopulating the MCU) or 5—I will not complain one bit. If nothing else, it would give her character
a little more depth than “I’m adorable and I love my daddy!”
I even thought that
the actress (Abby Ryder Fortson) did a decent job as Cassie, so I don’t think
they’d necessarily need to recast.
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Image Courtesy www.slashfilm.com |
This is by no means an
exhaustive list of all the hints at the future of the MCU that we can find in Ant-Man. And I probably got a few things wrong in my
analysis. So let me know in the comments
what you think about Ant-Man and what you want to see from that “world”
going forward in the MCU. Do you want to
see Cassie become Stature a few years down the road? When do you want to see Hope make her first
MCU appearance as the Wasp II? How do
you think Janet will return to the normal realm? Is there anything I missed?
Ant-Man is very
good as a standalone movie, but there are still a few things that can give us
hints at what’s going to come. And from
what we’ve seen, the future looks very bright for Scott Lang’s Ant-Man.
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