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Image Courtesy www.twitter.com/AgentsofShield |
Last week I wrote an article
going through the enhanced people we’ve met so far on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
and guessing at how likely they are to be members of the Secret Warriors team
in season 3. That got me thinking: What about the members of the Secret Warriors
in the comic books? Could any of them
appear in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 3? So without further ado, I’m going to go
through all the members of the Secret Warriors from the comics based on the
same criteria I used last week and see if any of them might appear in Agents
of S.H.I.E.L.D.
The first two criteria
I am looking for—superpowers and anonymity—are both met by all the comic book team
members. So instead of those two
criteria, I will instead look at the back story and powers: can they be translated to the TV?
The ranking scale I am
using is 1-5, with “1” meaning “no way in hell” and “5” meaning “already
confirmed to be on the team.”
Daisy Johnson, aka
“Quake,” aka Skye – 5 (Duh)
In the comics, Daisy
Johnson is personally selected by Nick Fury to be the field commander of the
Secret Warriors. This one is pretty much
self-explanatory. Skye is really the
only character that can get a “5” rating, because she’s the only character who
is definitively confirmed to be on the Secret Warriors team at this point.
Skye has been one of
the main characters for 2 seasons, and the entire second season revolved around
learning who and what she is, unlocking her powers, and “meeting the
parents.” Going forward she will only
become more important as one of Coulson’s top lieutenants and the leader of the
Secret Warriors.
Yo-Yo Rodriguez,
aka “Slingshot” – 4
Yo-Yo is the daughter
of Johnny Horton, aka the Griffin.
However, her powers are radically different from her father’s. Rather than having prosthetics to look like a
mythical griffin, Yo-Yo has the ability to run at super speed and bounce back
to the point where she started running.
We’ve seen super speed
on TV recently in the Flash TV series, so it wouldn’t be out of the
realm of possibility for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. to use it, also. In terms of her back story, Yo-Yo’s father
was mentioned on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. in “Providence” (1x18). Will she be connected with that small Easter
egg? She certainly doesn’t have to be,
but I don’t see any reason why she can’t.
After all, Skye’s abilities are vastly different in origin and nature
from her father’s, but that back story was translated to TV very faithfully.
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I don't think his old man would be too pleased if he joined S.H.I.E.L.D.! Image Courtesy www.twitter.com/AgentsofShield |
Jerry Sledge, aka
“Stonewall” – 4
The son of Carl
“Crusher” Creel, aka the Absorbing Man, “Stonewall” has powers similar to his
father’s, which were given to him when he touched his father. In addition to the ability to change his
molecular composition to that of any substance he touches, Stonewall also has
super strength and size increasing abilities.
Considering that his
father has already appeared on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (and may or may
not be dead), it would be easy enough to tie his origin in with the season 2
premiere when we met the Absorbing Man.
And considering that they have already shown Absorbing Man’s power of
changing molecular composition, that shouldn’t be an issue on a TV budget. Super strength and size increasing are also
relatively simple to show on a TV budget.
Alexander Aaron,
aka “Phobos” – 3
Alexander Aaron is the
son of Ares (as in the Greek god—the Norse gods are aliens in the Marvel
universe, so why shouldn’t the Greek gods be also?). If you know Greek, you can probably guess
what his power is: fear. Phobos can instill overwhelming fear in people—and
he also has a limited form of precognition.
In terms of TV
adaptability, Alex’s abilities are possibly the easiest to show on film: precognition is something they’ve already
done with Raina, and fear is a matter of acting.
However, my concern is
with his back story. On the one hand,
revealing the Greek pantheon as aliens would be easy enough; we’ve already
established one pantheon of gods as aliens with Asgard. However, we haven’t yet seen any suggestion
that Olympus exists in the MCU. That
doesn’t mean that it does not exist, but I wonder if they will want to
introduce another race of god-aliens on top of everything else that’s going to
be happening this season.
Perhaps they will
introduce and explore Olympus in season 4, and Phobos will appear then.
Sebastian Druid,
aka “Druid” – 3
Sebastian is the son
of Doctor Druid, one of the Marvel Universe’s various magicians. Sebastian himself inherited some of his
father’s gift.
Magical powers have
been shown on TV multiple times in the past, so I don’t think there would be
any issue on that account, though it could be a drain on the effects
budget. His back story is tied to a
character who hasn’t yet appeared in the MCU, but the magical realm is starting
to make an appearance through Scarlet Witch, Doctor Strange, Iron
Fist, and the like. So it’s entirely
possible that they will use Druid to introduce magic to the network TV corner
of the MCU.
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Is this too effects-heavy for TV? Image Courtesy marvel.wikia.com |
J.T. James, aka
“Hellfire” – 2
J.T. is the grandson
of the Phantom Rider, the Wild West version of the Ghost Rider. He has the ability to charge objects with
fire. Additionally, he has been said to
possess substantial magical potential.
Considering that there
is a rumor circulating that Marvel is interested in bringing Ghost Rider to
Netflix, J.T. James’ back story could easily be tied in with the Ghost Rider
who appears on Netflix. That’s not
really an issue.
However, his abilities
may be challenging to display without using a lot of CGI. CGI is definitely possible on a TV budget, but
how much would be necessary? That is the
primary reason that I would put him in the “unlikely” category. If/when Ghost Rider debuts on Netflix, I
could see Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. introducing J.T. shortly thereafter.
Eden Fesi, aka
“Manifold” – 1 (4)
Manifold is an
Australian Aborigine with the ability to bend reality by folding and twisting
space and time. This gives him the
ability to teleport himself and others, keeping the portals open as long as he
On the one hand, Manifold’s
power is no different from that of Gordon, meaning that it can definitely be
shown on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
On the other hand, his
back story makes it practically impossible for him to appear in the MCU: He’s a mutant. If Marvel Studios still owns the TV rights to
the mutants—or have the rights to change his back story by making him an
Inhuman—then he would definitely be able to appear on the Secret Warriors. If they do not, then he just can’t appear.
All of that being
said, the second number is for the possibility of them introducing a
“knock-off” version of Manifold: An
Australian Aborigine mutant Inhuman named EDena Fesri
with the ability to bend reality by folding and twisting space and time. It’s totally a different character, guys!
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This guyImage Courtesy www.imgur.com |
Nick Fury – 1
In the comics, Nick
Fury is the overall leader of the Secret Warriors (and the other Caterpillar
teams). In the TV series, that role will
be filled by Coulson. And for as awesome
as it would be to have Samuel L. Jackson appear regularly on the show in
connection with the Secret Warriors, it’s just not gonna happen.
So these are all the
characters who were part of the Secret Warriors in the comics. None of them (aside from Nick Fury) are
entirely outside the realm of possibility for inclusion in the MCU version of
the team. A few may require tweaks to
their origin story or excessive CGI, but all of them would be interesting
additions to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 3.
To sum up, the
characters I think are most likely to appear on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
are Yo-Yo Rodriguez (“Slingshot”) and Jerry Sledge (“Stonewall”), with Eden
Fesi (“Manifold”) as an outside possibility if they either tweak his back story
or create a “new” character.
There are a couple of
other “Caterpillar” teams from which the AoS show runners can draw
characters, but I don’t think I will go through those characters unless there’s
a real interest in seeing them. In a
couple of weeks I will publish another article looking at a few of the
“NuHumans” (new Inhumans following the Infinity crisis) and whether they
could join the Secret Warriors, but next Tuesday I will have an Ant-Man-related
article instead.
Which of these
characters do you want to see join Skye’s Secret Warriors team?
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