Mostly MCU Reviews
My articles from the week
First up for the week, three
possibilities for ways that a Marvel TV/Avengers: Infinity War crossover could work. How do you think it could work?
Next, expectations
and review
for the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season finale. What did you think of it?
This is the first in a series of
articles following up on where the characters may be going after Captain
America: Civil War: the “Secret Avengers.”
MCU News
Links to news articles and blog
posts about the MCU
In only 3 weeks, Captain
America: Civil War has passed $1 billion globally. Wow!
You know how Marvel reportedly
approached Michael Keaton about playing the villain in Spider-Man:
Homecoming, and he reportedly passed on it?
Apparently that’s a thing again,
and that villain could be Vulture.
is the official cast list for Thor: Ragnarok:
Cate Blanchett as HelaJeff Goldblum as GrandmasterTessa Thompson as ValkyrieKarl Urban as Skurge
Thor (obviously), Loki, Heimdall,
and Odin, and Banner/Hulk are also going to be in it. However, Sif and the Warriors
Three have not been announced for Ragnarok yet.
According to Kevin Feige
“90%” of the Black Panther cast will be either African or
African-American. I’m glad they are
finally acknowledging that there is, in fact, a difference there! Also, I think it would be kind of funny if
they cast a whole bunch of Afrikaaner actors (perhaps for Klaue’s mercenaries
if he appears in this movie). That would
be an awesome way to mess with the “PC Crowd” that thinks “black” = “diverse.”
On the subject of Black
Panther, it’s being reported
that at least part of the movie “may” film in Africa. That would only make sense.
Elizabeth Wood is reportedly
in talks to direct Captain Marvel.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 4 will air an hour later
than it did the last 2 seasons. This
will let it go even darker and edgier.
And it will also allow me to watch it on nights that I have meetings a
little more often.
If you want to save Agent
Carter by having it moved to Netflix, be sure to sign this petition.
In a move that shouldn’t come as
much of a surprise to comic fans, Carrie-Anne Moss’ Jeri Hogarth is going to be
a recurring character
on Iron Fist.
Do you want to see Marvel Netflix
start exploring Marvel’s more supernatural characters like Blade, Ghost Rider,
and Moon Knight? I’ve talked about at least a couple of these
in the past (Moon Knight
Blade). I would definitely be interested in seeing
any of these three in the MCU, especially on Netflix.
News from Around Geekdom
Anything not related to the MCU
that I find interesting
Ummm… Folks, just don’t do it.
Warner Bros. reportedly
is so invested in Harley Quinn that they have a movie in development for her
and other female DC characters already.
Can we get more news on a Black Widow movie already?
Good news for Star Trek
fans: According to JJ Abrams,
Jeremy Lin (Star Trek Beyond director) convinced Paramount Pictures to
withdraw its lawsuit against Star Trek Axanar, allowing the fan film to
move forward. Honestly, I’m amazed that
Paramount even pursued this, considering that they’ve had an at-worst
ambivalent attitude toward fan films in the past.
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